Moving Services

Design Creates a moving Experience.

Moving naturally comes with a share of anxiety. But it’s an opportunity for change, and you want to make the best of it as you should. We come in to keep spirits high before and after the move, and we help you make the trip more exciting.

Scroll down to Moving Services. Find more than 20 “opportunities” you might not have considered.

The most common anxiety we work thru with clients is how to meld the old with the new and preserve the things you want to keep—planning the spaces so that your furniture and other valuable or meaningful pieces fit well into the new home, both spatially and stylistically. We offer the solution.

We would focus your attention on the possibilities. What does the architecture suggest? What are some inherent problems you see with function and flow? In short, how to make it truly your own.

Julie O’Brien Design Group offers thoughtful (and sympathetic) move planning consultation. Experience ensures a smooth entry and a memorable landing.

Moving services:

  • Review items to be moved

    Evaluate new location for needs

    Design development discussions

    Budget development

  • Space planning

    Architectural detailing

    Cabinetry design/coordination

    Color planning

    Furniture layout and selection

    Hard surfaces selection and layout

    Lighting layout and fixture selection

    Permanent materials selection

    Assistance with appliance selection

    Plumbing fixture selection

  • Specifications & follow up

    Purchasing & follow up

    Coordination between contractors, builder, and owner

  • Move-in/Deliveries

    Furniture Placement

    Artwork and accessories selection/installation

    Follow up details